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捨得搭計程車,是因為也十分便宜,起跳價在雅加達Rp.7,000,大概也才台幣20塊不到,每公里再加,不到台幣10元,為什麼不坐? 不用在外面吸車輛的廢氣,也不必忍受外面的大太陽,雖然塞在路上,但至少是在室內吹冷氣,還可以直接到目的地,不要太遠,其實還比台北的捷運便宜XD


印尼最大的計程車公司Blue Bird,考量安全問題我也只會坐這家的,公司擁有幾乎所有的計程車,所以品質穩定,司機僅為員工。每台車司機的基本資料都會放在副駕駛座前,可以清楚看到。


Blue Bird也有叫車的服務,基本起跳費率Rp. 50,000,取消費用Rp. 10,000。電話021-79171234, 0217941234.


When you first arrive to a country, do not know much of the road and the destination, taxi is a good choice for you to travel around the city. Though the traffic in great Jakarta is a mess, always takes hours jaming on the road, but luckily you can find a number of transportations to use. 

Blue Bird Taxi is recommended if you decide to travel with more comfort and privacy. Blue Bird Taxi is the biggest biggest taxi company in Indonesia, spreading all over the Jawa island. Why we choose blue bird instead of others? For one most of the car owned by the company, so cars are well maintained and strickly banned for smoking; secondly, all the drivers hired by the commpany are background checked with good quality, each driver's name and identity is put on the front of the car so is safer; third, taxi charged with a fixed price, in JKT the starting fee is Rp. 7,000, every km charged Rp.3,500 which you can see from the machine showing the price based on meters in the car.


In JKT, it is easy to get one taxi, in some main boulevard, every 2 mins there's 1 blue bird taxi driving by, but not as easy when you try to get one in Bogor. Therefore, if I am in bogor and need a taxi, usually I ask the restaurant or go to the lobby of a hotel and ask the reception to call one for me. The minium fee for calling a taxi is Rp. 40,000 and service fee Rp.10,000, cancellation fee Rp.15,000. If your indonesian is good, here is the number of the taxi company that you can call yourself too. 021-79171234, 0217941234.


So, feel free to try it. I figure out that the taxi here is way a lot cheaper than in Taiwan, which is very good when sometimes I am too tired to take a bus or just can not have other transportation options.  


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Blue bird:

They have a number of affiliates

* Silver bird: high-end taxi

* Golder bird: car rental 

* Big bird: charter bus



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